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Welcome to the Shaper Consulting Group, a pleasant confederation of web designers and developers. We create websites for marketing and ecommerce, from the simple business-card site to database-driven information libraries. From font style to query strings, we provide the building blocks for a clean, practical, and appealing business presence on the internet.

Specializing in Adobe Illustrator for graphic design and illustration, Adobe Photoshop for digital photography, Adobe Flash for animation and audio presentations, XHTML and AJAX for dynamic, responsive interfaces, and PHP with mySQL for production databases, we produce artwork, visual effects, copywriting, and automated environments for internet, intranet, and extranet websites. Our work results in sites with visual appeal which are easily navigable and integrate electronic with print media.

We work with you to establish your needs, determine the best result for your budget, and deliver your site on time. Send us a short email that explains your business and your goals for the website and we’ll contact you for an easy consultation.

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